Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! (29 1/2 Week Ultrasound)

The appt went really great!  Emma is as healthy as can be!  She is right on track to be an 8 pound baby and when they measured her femur and arm bone she is in the top 81st percentile because she is so long already!  I guess she takes after her mamma.... but hopefully not 24 inches long when she is born.  ;)
We couldn't get a good 4D picture of her face because she had her face against my placenta the whole time, so this picture above is the best and only picture.  Also, the funniest thing was that she kept opening her mouth and wiggling her tongue around.  It was sooo funny and cute. :)  This is our last ultrasound until we meet her in late April.  They said that because everything looks so great we don't need to come back.  Good news.... but I would like to see her again before April!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

29 1/2 Weeks!

I'm am officially in my 3rd trimester now and I'm feeling really good!  Emma is really active ALL throughout the day and night.  She is especially fond of my left ribcage!  I guess she like the sound of my heart... I have no idea!  Tomorrow, Valentine's Day, we have another u/s so I will post the pictures of her.  Irby and I are so excited to see what she looks like and how much she has grown!  :)  Here are a couple pics of my baby bump.  We decided to show y'all a pic from the front which makes Irby laugh. :)